The Beautifully Human Educator

ReclaimYour Passion.

Reignite Your Students.

Redefine Your Purpose.

We empower educators & school leaders to boldly take up space while redefining what’s possible for themselves and their students.

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We see you as human, first.

Our mission is to support black educators and their allies working in schools and organizations in urban and culturally diverse communities. Our goal is to lead dedicated educators through a transformative journey that will inspire you to rethink how you are meeting every student's needs in your classroom, reshaping your approach to teaching, learning & leading for years to come.

who we are

We are a dedicated group of forever educators committed to dismantling the barriers erected by systemic oppression within our nation’s schools. We believe by equipping educators with the tools and support they require to meet the needs of black and brown students, we will inspire a wave of change that ripples outwards, affecting positive transformation in our schools.

Joining our mission means you desire to be part of a vibrant, unapolgetic community that believes in the power of education as a tool for liberation. It means standing shoulder to shoulder with other Black educators and their allies, amplifying their voices, and working collectively to create educational spaces that are inclusive, equitable, and nurturing for all students.

Together, we can redefine the narrative of what it means to serve Black and Brown students. EVERY educator deserves and needs to be valued, supported, and empowered to make a difference. Welcome to The Tribe.

Peace, Love & Liberation,


The Beautifully Human Principal

Building BETTER schools - one educator at a time.


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